Buyers front

and centre.

Let buyers take control

It’s common knowledge that the buying journey is not linear, yet as marketers, everything we do is aligned with attracting and pushing leads through the proverbial ‘linear’ funnel. 

Most buyers are already well educated when they reach your website, instead, they seek to understand more about the subject or the value your solutions can provide. 

Why buyer enablement matters

Traditional content is not enough. Webinars, reports and white papers don’t cut it alone. Buyers expect more and want value from the get-go in the form of assessments, peer reviews and value-based calculators. It’s these that help buyers assess your solutions and determine if you’re the right vendor. That’s why you need to consider buyer enablement.


Give your buyers the opportunity to compare themselves to those similar in the industry. Knowing what’s best-in-class and how you stack up creates a compelling case to engage with sales.


Gather simple data from buyers to inform the sales team. Quick calculators for common late stage information such as time-to-value and return on investment enable quick decisions and help the buyer move forward in the sales process.


Give buyers a personalised, in-depth report outlining the business case for your product or service. A shareable report is great for comparison and creating an edge against your competitors.

Empower your sales team

Most sales qualification teams struggle to get the information they need from prospects to make the sale effective. With buyer enablement tools, you empower and educate the buyer, while the sales team gain invaluable data too – more than they would if they simply asked the questions upfront.

Seamless transfer of data

All our products are based on a license model, are fully branded and integrate fully with your CRM and marketing automation platform.

We look to them as an extension of our staff. They see the bigger picture and are mission oriented.
- Joshna, Director of Marketing and Communications, Quill
